Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good News/ Bad News

I drove Mike to the diagnostic clinic for his 10am appointment today. His doctor decided that the best plan would be to put a camera down his esophagus and into his stomach to see what is causing him so much trouble. The nurse let me know that the procedure would take about an hour and half so I opted to take a pager and have them page me when he was in the recovery room. I ran some errands and then spent the rest of the time at Pro Image visiting with Abbe. As soon as I got the page I went to the clinic and back to the recovery room. Mike had just woke up and was still very groggy. He was saying the silliest things. The doctor came in with the pictures that they took with the camera and.....everything looked fine! This is good news and bad news. We had done a lot of research on the Internet and was worried about many things that could be wrong. It was definitely good news not to have to worry about esophageal cancer or esophagus damage. The bad news is that they still are not sure what is wrong. The doctor seems to think that it's a acid reflux/panic attack combination that is making him sick. So the plan is to change his diet and also take the medication that has been prescribed to him for both the acid reflux and panic attacks. I hope that this will make a difference because he is absolutely miserable. It breaks my heart to see him in so much pain.

and what's a blog without at least one picture....
my love taking a nap this afternoon:


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Sorry to hear about your BF...Hope he gets to the bottom of his medical issue....
I just wanted to thank you so much for being my 100th follower!